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Terms of Use of the Portal

By using the client portal of Groupe Lou-Tec Inc., (hereinafter “Lou-Tec”), you
and your company agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.


The Terms of Use of the portal are in addition to any contract or agreement signed between your company and Lou-Tec, including general agreements on rates and specific rental contracts (collectively, the “Agreements”). In the event of a discrepancy between these Terms of Use and the Agreements, the latter shall prevail.


  1. Access to the portal


The company may decide which employees, managers, agents and subcontractors shall have access to the portal. Company management must contact their regular sales representative at Lou-Tec to have names added or removed from the list of users authorized to access the portal.


When employees leave your company or are reassigned to a new position where they are no longer authorized to access the portal, it is your responsibility to immediately notify your sales representative at Lou-Tec to have their access rights withdrawn.


  1. Passwords and access


All users of the portal undertake to: :


  • Keep secret at all times the username and password given to them by Lou-Tec;
  • Abstain from accessing the portal using another person’s username;
  • Notify the company’s sales representative at Lou-Tec should their password be disclosed to a third party or the security of their password be compromised;
  • Use the portal only for the purpose of meeting needs of the specific company for which access has been granted;
  • Cease using the portal upon ending the employment, subcontracting or agency relationship, as the case may be, with the Lou-Tec business client.


  1. Ethical and legal use of the portal


The portal can only be used for legal and ethical purposes.


Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is strictly prohibited:


  • To use the portal in any way that violates applicable laws in your industry or employee rights;
  • To use the portal so as to cause prejudice to Lou-Tech in any way whatsoever;
  • To hinder the smooth operation of the portal, for instance by conducting computer vulnerability testing or attempting to install malware (e.g., computer virus or worm);
  • To use any features of the portal to post or share illegal, defamatory, obscene or threatening information or statements that encourage criminal conduct.


The portal and its contents are subject to copyright. It is strictly prohibited to attempt to reproduce any content on the portal without express permission from the copyright holders.


  1. Disclaimer


Lou-Tec provides no warranty with respect to the portal and the information it


Access to the portal is provided by Lou-Tec to some of its business clients as a courtesy. Lou-Tec shall in no way be liable for damages suffered by the company should access to the portal by the company or its authorized users be interrupted or suspended, howsoever caused.


Moreover, Lou-Tec may not, under any circumstances, be held responsible for consequences arising from inaccurate information featured on the portal. It is the sole responsibility of the company to ensure the accuracy of the information about it on the portal and to bring to Lou-Tec’s attention any errors in this respect.


  1. Penalty


In all cases of use made of the portal which are found to violate these Terms of Use, Lou-Tec reserves the right to suspend your company’s access to the portal and remove any contents found to violate the terms herein, without any other notice and without prejudice to its other rights.


Any request to reinstate access to the portal will be handled by your regular sales representative at Lou-Tec, who may decide at his or her sole discretion the conditions governing the reinstatement of your company’s access to the portal.